One of the ways that I’ve decided to take my hobby is to start speaking at events as a local snake ‘expert’. I have a pretty decent collection of native rattlesnakes at home, but it was finally time to go try and pick up a greatĀ specimenĀ of my absolute favorite of Arizona rattlesnakes, the Northern Blacktailed Rattlesnake, Crotalus molossus molossus. When it comes to blacktails, there aren’t any more beautiful than as can be found in the Sky Islands region of South East Arizona. I set aside 3 days to head to my favorite range and find my prize.
Success came on the first night, finding two absolutely knockout animals. After careful comparison, I decided that the larger, and higher contrast, of the two would come home with me. Before leaving the area, however, I took this photo of him in the rocks near where he was found, stretched out in the cold rain.

For comparison, here is another blacktail, found in the McDowell mountains earlier in the year. You can clearly see why I looked to find mine in the range that I chose.

Tags: arizona, black-tailed, Blacktail, Crotalus, molossus, rattlesnake