While down in Texas, I met what became one of my favorite colubrids within seeing a few individuals. I knew that the Trans Pecos Ratsnake (or ‘suboc’, short for Bogertophis subocularis) looked cool, but I wasn’t expecting the cool attitude they have. The first I saw just sat there as I approached. When in-hand, there was no indication it was a wild snake … it just kept on slowly climbing, moving around and inspecting with huge blue-grey eyes.
We saw several on the trip, and I admit I took my favorite home with me; a lemon yellow beauty that is on his way to being a monster, if he keeps eating and shedding as he has since August. Here he is in the sun, about an hour before the photograph with the copperhead was taken.

Tags: Bogertophis subocularis, ratsnake, suboc, texas, trans-pecos