
Field notes and photography by Bryan D. Hughes

Sonoran Whipsnake

Sonoran whipsnakes (Coluber bilineatus) are cool. They’re smart, fast, diurnal snakes that are difficult to photograph simply because it’s hard to get close enough to the things to do it without them instantly disappearing into the brush … and if you do actually manage to get your hands on one, you’re going to be bleeding from the multiple bites it will deliver, without fail.

That is, of course, unless they’re babies 🙂 Then they can bite all they want, and it doesn’t matter. Here are a couple I found this year.

Coluber bilineatus
Coluber bilineatus
Coluber bilineatus
Coluber bilineatus
Soniran Whipsnake
Soniran Whipsnake
Sonoran Whipsnake, Coluber bilineatus
Sonoran Whipsnake, Coluber bilineatus
Coluber bilineatus
Coluber bilineatus

… just to illustrate:

The joys of herping. (pic by Kris Haas)
The joys of herping. (pic by Kris Haas)

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