
Field notes and photography by Bryan D. Hughes

Black-Necked Gartersnakes

In 2009, for some reason, I found more black-necked garternskaes, Thamnophis cyrtopsis, than I’ve seen in all years previous combined. Most were in predictable locations, but a few were the last thing I thought I’d find, being several miles from the nearest reliable source of water.

Here are a few.

Gartersnake in Arizona
Gartersnake in Arizona
Blacknecked Gartersnake
Blacknecked Gartersnake
Thamnophis cyrtopsis
Thamnophis cyrtopsis
Garter Snake
Garter Snake
Garter Snake in Arizona
Garter Snake in Arizona
There is a snake in there; can you see it?
There is a snake in there; can you see it?

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