
Field notes and photography by Bryan D. Hughes

Mcdowell Mountains Tiger Rattlesnake

Here’s a nice bluish tiger rattlesnake from the Mountains near Fountain Hills found with some friends one night.  Look at that funny little head, haha. I have one of these that lives in an enclosure with a few speckled rattlesnakes, and the body-girth to head-size ratio between them puts their head pretty much at half the size of a normal rattlesnake head.

Also, while I’m thinking about it … the tiger rattlesnake was the very first species of rattlesnake I ever saw in Arizona, seen dead on a South Mountain trailside with my friend. It had been killed by a hiker, and the only reason I know it was a tiger at the time (this is before I really thought too much about rattlesnakes every day) because thinking back, my thought was “wow, what a weird little head”. Still little, still weird, and I still love seeing these guys out and about.

Here’s another one from just down the way of the above fellow. We would have walked right past him if he wasn’t buzzing up the side of the hill at the sight of us.

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