I went on a short afternoon hike today to see if I could find some diamondbacks, or at least work on my new boots a bit before my big trip to PA in 3 weeks. Within 15 minutes I found a skinny, female diamondback out sniffing through some brush, and was far enough away so that she hadn’t noticed me. Rather than get a photo and move on looking for more, I thought I’d just spend the sunset time following her to see what she does.
Here she is as found.
She nosed around the bush for awhile, and eventually decided to move to the other side.
… and after looking in and out of a few holes along the opposite side, she coiled up against the warm dirt wall, which is how I left her a few minutes later without so much as a tongue flick in my direction.
Tags: atrox, Crotalus, Diamondback, phoenix