
Field notes and photography by Bryan D. Hughes

Near-Perfect Camouflaged Sidewinder

Here’s another great example of the sneaky camouflage capabilities of one of the most commonly seen rattlesnakes in the sandy desertscrub, the Sonoran Sidewinder, Crotalus cerastes cercobombus. I found probably 200 of these guys in 2009 alone, and still stop for almost every one. Most of the pictures just go into my collection and never make it here, and I hope my interest in finding them never leaves me.

sidewinder rattlesnake
sidewinder rattlesnake
sidewinder from Arizona
sidewinder from Arizona

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One Response to “Near-Perfect Camouflaged Sidewinder”

  1. jan macek says:

    They are absolutely beautiful 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing. Here in New Mexico, we still have rattlesnakes roundups. I wish people would realize that this is a form of persecution of one aspect of wildlife. The roundups promote hate and destruction of all snakes:(

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