
Field notes and photography by Bryan D. Hughes

A Young Ridge-Nosed Rattlesnake in Arizona

The Ridge-Nosed Rattlesnake, Crotalus willardi, is probably the most sought-after rattlesnake in the country. They’re small and hard to find unless you know what you’re doing, which I officially don’t. I’ve seen less than 10 total. They’re awesome little snakes with a look that seems surprising they’d be in the US at all, with their lance shaped head and high-contrast white facial markings. I didn’t see one at all in 2009 (though I only looked once, to be fair), and I’ll have to fix that in 2010.

Crotalus willardi
Crotalus willardi
Ridgenose in Arizona
Ridgenose in Arizona
ridge nosed rattlesnake in az
ridge nosed rattlesnake in az

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